Thursday 30 August 2012

My obsession with hair, a long winded and dramatic history

I have been obsessed with my hair and making it grow long and shiny for almost my whole life. As a little girl, my mum had long hair down her back and it was somewhat her trademark. She refused to coif and perm her hair like all the other girls in the 80s and instead favoured a 60s/70s look. Naturally like all little girls, I wanted to be just like her and my hair was long and wavy too. Until there was the unfortunate incident when Mum cut my hair a bit shorter and kept cutting in crooked until it wouldn't tie up anymore. I don't know how I wasn't more traumatised, although back then my little body was healthy and growing it was easy, and I kept the long look all the way through highschool and never thought much about it other than alternating between foils or not foils.

That was until the incident. Halfway through uni, the "scene kids" hair was the in thing and my fine hair just couldn't hold up the volume, so I decided I'd go for the layered look that would allow my long hair to gain such much needed height. So after much deliberation, I printed my pic stolen from some hip teens MySpace profile and headed to another hairdresser in town as mine was on holidays.

At once I felt at ease, my dear friend Anna had joined me and the hairdresser was a senior one and told me she was so excited to cut my hair as it was her new favourite hair style and she'd done it on a few other girls. Hooray!

Not so. After quite a while I started to think she sure had been cutting and razoring for a while. I caught a glimpse of Anna sitting behind me in the mirror and she gave me a small, stiff smile. Hmm suspicious. However I tried to relax and read my trashy magazine. A minute later the lady with a short bob next to me looked at me and smiled and said "oh looking at you makes me want to cut mine all off".

Immediately the blood drained from my face and I realised what this demonic psycho bitch had done. My long locks were gone. I was a brunette 18 year old Florence Henderson.


She knew what she'd done, she tried to blame my fine hair for making it look so short (yeah right!) and urged me not to look at the hair on the floor. She kindly gave me a discount and I fled to the comfort of home where, like every normal girl, I cried and freaked out.

Thankfully Anna had a plan, she had dabbled with a synthetic hair piece during nights out so I demanded she take me to she she bought it.

This worked well for a while until it became so damaged my parents pointed out it looked like I had clipped a dead possum to my head. So after crying and raging at them, I sucked up every cent I had to get actual hair extensions. This was the start of my long love affair with attaching other peoples hair to my head.

Eventually My hair started to grow out again to a bit past shoulder length. Success! Or not. My very first breakup and diving head first into a new relationship lead me towards 2 inevitable pathways, losing a few kilos, and hacking my hair off into a Pob. However this wasn't enough and it ended up with me dying my hair black and dropping out of uni - win!

Of course all of these were horrible mistakes and I ran back to hair extensions the second I could. All though this time, Anna had offered the handy hint you could buy hair on eBay. So no more Giving hundreds of dollars of my retail hard earned dollars to a rude hairdresser. Now I could do them in the comfort of my own home!

I kept this up for approximately two years, until I realised my hair hadn't grown the entire time. Hmmm. So I decided to bite the bullet and just let my hair out, eek!

Unfortunately this didn't work out and it still didn't grow! The balyage I got soon after is still in my hair over a year later and is now only a few inches from where it was first applied.

Eventually I saw a naturopath and started taking a million supplements and started to get some growth. However it has been the last few months that have seen it grow and thicken up like nothing else. I credit this to 2 things, not washing my hair and my new brush that has revolutionised my hair life!

Posts to come

B x

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